Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Moving your 'stuff ' anytime soon?!

As the school year comes to an end most students are moving out of their living conditions. For some it might be going back home for good or for others into a different apartment complex. Either way students need a way to move all their belongings from place to place. Personally, this situation applies to me right now because I have to pack up my whole apartment next week and move into a different apartment. Therefore, I have created a list of the best and cheapest ways to move everything. I called around to different places to find the best ways to go about this situation. Here are two of the ideas that I came up with:

> U-haul: is a company that has over 15,00o locations all around the nation. This is extremely convenient because Pullman has two locations with trucks and vans that have various sizes to accommodate you. All information you need will be available at http://www.uhaul.com/

> Coug Closet is also another company that provides onsite storage unit space. For some people all they need is to put their stuff in storage for just the summer months and prefer not to haul their stuff back and forth to wherever they are from. Check out their website for more details: http://www.cougarcloset.com/

*If you want to go even cheaper, I would suggest in finding friends to split a truck or storage unit with you!


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