Once again it is finals week at WSU. Students are beginning to study and cram for their exams. For some studying is easy, but for others studying can be a struggle. As I was browsing the internet I came across some effective study tips and ideas to help everyone during this crucial time of year. Here is what I came up with:
1. Find a place where you won't be interrupted or distracted. This could vary from the library, Starbucks, Daily Grind or a quiet corner in your house.
2. Take a study break. Don't sit for hours studying because your brain needs a break from cramming.
3. Start early. Don't study the day before the test because studying can become frustrating and most students will give up easily.
4. Make sure you ask your professor questions. Don't be afraid if you do not understand something. However, make sure you get all your questions answered early. Otherwise, you might not be as prepared for the exam.
5. EAT! Your body needs food to function. I would suggest preparing study snacks, such as apples, pretzels or even smart pop. Choose something healthy...so you feel good while studying!
* Hope these easy tips will help and everyone has a successful finals week!
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